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"Coding Symposium Escape" by Roddaa
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Coding Symposium Escape
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output "Hello world!"integer searches = 0 //this is the counter text name = input("You find yourself in a dark room. What is your name?") text start = input(name + ", would you like to look around? yes or no?") repeat until searches = 3 if start = "yes" text look1 = input("You see a elephant, a window, and a wardrobe. Which would you like to look at?" + " elephant, window, wardrobe?") if look1 = "elephant" text elephant = input("There is a giant elephant in a cage in the corner. Would you like to look inside?"+ " yes or no?") if elephant = "yes" text elephantY = input("In the cage you find dynamite." + " Press enter to continue your search.") searches = searches + 1 //this increments the counter else //left blank to exit the conditional end //ends chair conditional elseif look1 = "window" text window = input("The window has bars on it, " + "do you want to inspecti it?" + " yes or no?") if window = "yes" text windowY = input("You find holes in the ledge." + " Press enter to continue your search.") searches = searches + 1 //this increments the counter else //left blank to exit the conditional end //ends table conditional else text wardrobe = input("The wardrobe is a large, brown, smelly rectagular prism.." + " Would you like to look inside? yes or no?") if wardrobe = "yes" text wardrobeY = input("You find a coat with a lighter in the pocket," + ". Press enter to continue your search.") searches = searches + 1 //this increments the counter else //left blank to exit the conditional end // ends bed conditional end //ends look1 conditional else //this is part of the start conditional from the beginning text done = input("You are stuck in the room forever. Game Over!") return now //this exits the conditional and ends the program end //end start end //end loop //This loop runs after the search, and wraps up the game if searches = 3 text ending = input("You have found three items. Do you want to use the lighter and " + "the dinomite to blow open the bars? yes or no?") if ending = "yes" text done = input("It worked! You are able to escape the room! Congratulations!") else text done = input("You were so close, but are stuck in the room forever! " + " Game Over!") return now //this exits the conditional and ends the program end // ends ending conditional end //ends searches conditional
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