Computer Science for All
Everyone should learn how to use, interact with, and invent technology in our age. Computer science for all is the name of a movement to try and help people learn how to program. EPIQ is one part of the movement that advocates for individuals with disabilities to learn how to code.
How it Started
EPIQ has a funny history. Andreas Stefik co-invented Quorum with his Wife Melissa and the conference started not as a teacher PD, but as a venue to test with students with disabilities. While it was never intended to turn into a programming language people really use, or a conference people go to, here we are. In the first year back in 2010, there were about 2 teachers, four students, and a bunch of others trying to figure things out. Today, teachers come in from all over the U.S. and Quorum itself is now a sophisticated programming environment designed to be used by everyone.

Making A Difference
Computer science is a crucial skill for students to learn in the 21st century. Students need to understand concepts regarding how the machines in their pockets work, otherwise it is difficult for them to understand the world they live in. Further, without being able to actually code, they cannot invent their own software. In the digital age, exposing students to both can be a world-changing experience. Past all this, software development is a lucrative profession that can provide meaningful employment for decades to come.
Funding and Sponsorships
We know that teachers do not always have deep pockets from their school districts to come to professional development events. For this reason, the EPIQ committee works hard to fund teachers to come to the event and learn. This is run every year through the Quorum Outreach and Research Foundation. If you are an organization that wants to sponsor the event, feel free to reach out to [email protected].
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