Variables and Types Quiz

  1. What is the difference between a primitive type and an object?
  2. What is an integer and what are its legal values?
  3. What is a number and what are its legal values?
  4. What is a boolean and what are its legal values?
  5. Discuss the concept of binary and explain why it is important in computer science.
  6. What does it mean to call an action on an object? Give 2 examples.
  7. What is modulus? Give an example of what it could be used for.
  8. Which operator is used to call actions?
  9. Describe the concept of instantiating an object in your own words. Give at least one example in code.
  10. Give two examples of legal variable names in Quorum. Similarly, give two examples of illegal names.
  11. What is a compiler error and what do they tell us?
  12. What does it mean to build a program?
  13. What is a debugger and what do we use it for?
  14. What is the difference between a runtime error and a compile time error?

Essay Questions

  1. Discuss each data type and explain when they should be used. Be sure to include all primitive types and several different kinds of objects.
  2. Write a paragraph explaining why the concept of variables is important in computer science. Write a second paragraph explaining the broader concept of types.

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