Quiz for Actions

This is a short quiz about concepts related to control flow and control structures.

Actions Quiz

  1. What is an action?
  2. In practice, programmers write many actions. What are actions useful for?
  3. We often talk about 'calling' actions. What does this mean?
  4. Describe the concept of code reuse and how it relates to actions.
  5. What is a Main action?
  6. When students learn to program, it is sometimes common to see programs written that are all within Main, instead of being broken into actions. What is the disadvantage of this?
  7. What is a parameter?
  8. List three general rules for naming actions.
  9. What is a return type and why is it important?
  10. Describe two legal names for actions and two illegal ones.
  11. What is an argument to an action and how does it differ from a parameter?
  12. What would happen if an action did nothing but call itself?
  13. What is the concept of static typing and why is it important?
  14. An action can technically have as many parameters as we want. Why might it be reasonable to keep that number low?
  15. What is action overloading?

Essay Questions

  1. For the game of paper, rock, scissors, write an essay at a high level about how such a program could be broken into actions. Describe the actions, their parameters, and what they would do.
  2. Describe the concept of an action signature. What is it and what does it consist of? Why is the concept of a signature important?

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