GET Method
Sending a Request Message using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) GET MethodThe GET Method
GET WebAddress HTTP-Version
The Request Headers and Request Message Body are both optional when using the GET method.
In order to use the GET method type with Quorum we will have to use the "Libraries.Network.NetworkRequest" library. Then we will create a NetworkRequestType "type" which we will set to GET as shown below:
use Libraries.Network.NetworkRequest
use Libraries.Network.NetworkRequestType
class Main
action Main
//creates a NetworkRequestType object "type"and sets "type" to
//the GET method
NetworkRequestType type
We will then create a NetworkRequest object "request" and set its RequestType to "type" (GET) as shown below:
//creates a NetworkRequest object "request" and uses "type"
//(which is already set to GET) as the parameter in
NetworkRequest request
Here is the complete code section to set the RequestType to GET and then return the RequestType as output to the screen:
use Libraries.Network.NetworkRequest
use Libraries.Network.NetworkRequestType
class Main
action Main
NetworkRequest request
NetworkRequestType type
output request:GetRequestType()
The output should look like this letting us know that our NetworkRequestType (method) is set to GET:
Next Tutorial
In the next tutorial, we will discuss the POST Method, which describes an introduction to sending a request message using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) POST Method..