Reading in JavaScript Object Notation Formatted Data from Text Values or from a File
This tutorial will teach you how to read in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formatted data from a text value or from a fileOverview
If you have data which is already in JavaScript Object Notation format, with { “name” : value } pairs in curly braces, then the data can be read in and stored as a JavaScriptObjectNotation object. This data can be read in as a text value or from a file.
Reading in from a Text Value
In this example, we are using the JavaScript Object Notation formatted text “myValue” with the key name “data” and its associated array value.
use Libraries.Data.Formats.JavaScriptObjectNotation
class Main
action Main
//sets myValue = {“data” : [21.5, 22.7, 23.9]}
text dq = ""
dq = dq:GetDoubleQuote()
text myValue = "{" + dq + "data" + dq + ": [21.5, 22.7, 23.9]}"
//creates a JavaScriptObjectNotation object “json” to store
//“myValue” and outputs the JavaScript Object Notation formatted object
JavaScriptObjectNotation json
output json:ToText()
The output should look like this:
"data" : [21.5, 22.7, 23.9]
Reading in from a File
To read in formatted JavaScript Object Notation data from a file we need to use the additional “Libraries.System.File” library and connect to the file containing the data. The file response.json is available for you to download for testing in this next example.
use Libraries.Data.Formats.JavaScriptObjectNotation
use Libraries.System.File
class Main
action Main
JavaScriptObjectNotation json
//Creates a File object “myFile”, Sets the Path for “myFile”
//(where you will be reading the JavaScript Object Notation data from)
//and Reads from the specified file path.
File myFile
//be sure to use the file path that you have set your response.json file to
output json:ToText()
Since the file" response.json" that we are reading in from contained the following JavaScript Object Notation formatted data:
"item1": 22,
"item2": 33.2,
"item3": true
The output to the screen should look like this:
"item1": 22,
"item2": 33.2,
"item3": true
Next Tutorial
In the next tutorial, we will discuss Writing JavaScript Object Notation Data Overview, which describes how to write JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) formatted data as a text value or to a file.