Tutorial: Databases

This tutorial shows us how to modify our table in our database

Modifying Tables

In a database system, we often break up what we want to store into a series of tables. The reasons are numerous, but largely come down to taking less storage or retrieving data more quickly. An example might be making online purchases. In such a case, one table might have a user's card information and another would have transactions. It would be easier to separate the two because if a user changes credit card information previous purchases would not have to get updated information since it is in its own separate category.

Before Updating (Single Table)
User ID Name Card Number Date of Purchase Vendor TransactionID
1Steven Universe678918/24/2022Steam1
2Steven Universe678918/24/2022Uniqlo2
3Steven Universe678918/25/2022Target3
After Updating (Single Table)
User ID Name Card Number Date of Purchase Vendor TransactionID
1Steven Universe123458/24/2022Steam1
2Steven Universe123458/24/2022Uniqlo2
3Steven Universe123458/25/2022Target3
Before Updating (Multiple Tables)
UserID Name Card Number
1Steven Universe67891
After Updating (Multiple Tables)
TransactionID Date of Purchase Vendor
Before Updating (Multiple Tables)
UserID Name Card Number
1Steven Universe67891
After Updating (Multiple Tables)
TransactionID Date of Purchase Vendor

As shown by our tables, if we have multiple tables, we can spend less time trying to update a larger table. We can have simple tables and update a smaller one which gives less overhead.

Say that we have created a new table, but we accidentally forgot to add a column or may have made a typo in our table name. Instead of deleting that table and creating a new one, we can modify the table. To do this, we would create a new object called EditTable, that allows us to use helper actions to edit the existing table inside of our database.

With our EditTable object, we are now able to change the name of our table, remove columns, edit column data types, filter our data, and many more other actions to useFor this example, we are going to create another empty table, which we can do in a separate file or use SQL commands in order to modify our table using Quorum actions. Below is some sample code on creating an empty table and it is important that this table exists before using the EditTable object.

 CreateTable newTable

We will be learning how to edit the name of our table, change a column's data type, remove a column, and establish an autoincrement on our table. A note on auto increment is that typically when adding new queries, we would have to manually log in the ID. However, if we edit our table, we can increment a value automatically.

To have access to these actions, we will need to create the EditTable object, which we can name 'edit.'

use Libraries.Data.Database.Database
    use Libraries.Data.Database.EditTable
    use Libraries.Data.Database.CreateTable

    Database database
    database:Connect("localhost", "myfirstdatabase", "root", "coolPasseword")

    EditTable edit

Using edit we will be using the actions: SetTable(text tableName), AlterAutoIncrement(int newStart), renameTable(text newName), ModifyColumn(text columnName, text dataType), AddColumn(text columnName, text dataType), DropColumn(text columnName), and EditTable(EditTable objectName).

EditTable Actions
Action / Object Structure Functionality
EditTable queryThe EditTable query represents the ALTER TABLE command of the SQL (Structured Query Language) language. This query allows for table manipulations by adding, dropping, or modifying columns.EditTable edit
AddColumn(text column, text dataType)Adds objects that have been remapped to a single table for reference in actions called when building the query to text.edit:AddColumn("newColumn","integer")
AlterAutoIncrement(integer newStart)This action allows the auto increment value to be changed.edit:AlterAutoIncrement(1)
DropColumn(text column)This action drops a column from a table.edit:DropColumn("tableText2")
RenameTable(text newName)This action renames a table in the database.edit:RenameTable("superNewTable")
SetTable(text table)This action sets the table of the query.edit:SetTable("newtable")
ModifyColumn(text column, text dataType)This action allows the type of a column to be changed.edit:ModifyColumn("tableText","string")
databaseObject:EditTable(EditTable object)This action allows the modified changed to be committed and reflected upon the database.database:EditTable(edit)

With our object created, let's first get the table we are modifying using SetTable() and let's pass in "newTable" which is the table object we previously made. Because we do not want to manually change the IDs of each entry, lets also use AlterAutoIncrement and pass in the value of 1 so it automatically starts to change the IDs as soon as we start adding entries. Next, the current name "newtable" does not seem that descriptive in terms of the changes we have reflected so far, so now we will want to change the table name using RenameTable(); let's rename our table "supernewtable" and pass that string as the parameter to RenameTable.

edit:SetTable("newtable") edit:AlterAutoIncrement(1) edit:RenameTable("superNewTable")

Next, suppose we want to edit the columns of this "supernewtable" such as modifying an existing column, removing a column, and adding a new column. To modify a column, we will be using ModifyColumn and pass in two parameters, the column name and the new data type we can convert this column to accept. For this, let's pass in the value "tableText" as the first parameter and "string" as the second parameter.

Originally "tableText" was an integer column but it is now a text column. Additional actions we can take on "newtable" would lead us to know how to modify an existing column, remove a column, and add a new column. To add a column, we will be using the AddColumn(columnName, datatype) and pass in two parameters, the column name and the data type. For this let's pass in the value "newColumn" as the first parameter and "integer" as the second parameter.


To reflect our modifications, we will need to call our database object and pass in the EditTable object using the EditTable() action.


Below is the full code of altering a table in our database.

/* equivalent to alter table*/
/* changing table labels */
/* changing the datatypes */

    use Libraries.Data.Database.Database
    use Libraries.Data.Database.EditTable
    use Libraries.Data.Database.CreateTable

    Database database
    database:Connect("localhost", "myfirstdatabase", "root", "password")

    EditTable edit

Next Tutorial

In the next tutorial, we will discuss drop table, which describes how to delete a table from a database.