Variables, Conditionals, and Functions - Lesson 14: Project- Decision Maker App Part 3


The final lesson in the Practice PT progression is devoted to feedback and improvements to the Decision Maker App. Students work with classmates to review and update the functionality of their apps before submitting the final project.


Students will be able to:

  • See rubric for guidance in measuring student learning


The Practice PT gives students the opportunity to design and program an app from scratch. Welcome to The Decision Maker App! Students demonstrate mastery of variables, conditionals, and functions by combining these elements into a useful program designed to solve the problem of making a decision.


Supplemental material

For the students

Getting Started (2 minutes)

Teaching Tip

Short Intro: The Warm Up today is short and light. Students should spend the maximum amount of time working on their projects.


  • For the past few days we've been working on an app to help users make a decision. Now you will share that app with others, get feedback, make improvements, and submit for your final project.

Activity (38 minutes)

Teaching Tip

Supporting students in Practice PT Lessons

This is the final lesson where students complete their projects. The classroom energy will likely increase when students begin Step 5 and collect feedback from classmates. Encourage students to work productively during the testing phase so they have enough time to finish their projects.

What should you expect?

  • It's ok to start the testing phase even if the apps aren't finished. Students should be able to explain to each other what they want their app to do when fully operational.
  • Students should have their Planning Guides out again to record feedback and plans for implementing changes
  • Frustration may be higher today if students feel rushed to debug and fix their projects for final submission. Make sure students have debugging partners and are actively making use of their debugging skills.
  • If students are inspired to continue working on their projects or add additional features, you may need to extend the project an extra day or allow students to work outside of class.

Group: Put students in groups of 3-4.

Do This: Direct students to open their projects. They should pull out their Planning Guides and with their group complete Step 5: Testing.

Step 5: Testing

  • Each app is tested by at least two students.
  • The creator of the app watches these students use the app and records feedback from the testers and things the creator noticed while observing someone else using the app. For example, the creator may notice that the user has difficulty figuring out which button to click on the app to make it run. The creator notes this down in the Planning Guide.

Step 6: Pick Improvements

  • In the Planning Guide, students pick at least one improvement that they can make based on feedback from their peers.

Step 7: Complete your App

  • Students use the feedback to update their app.

Submit: Students complete a final check of their complected projects before they submit their work. Make sure they have access to the rubric (Refer to Unit4 Lesson12 or the supplemental document).

Wrap Up (10 minutes)


Complete the two reflection questions below from the Planning Guide.

Question 1: Provide a written response that:

  • describes the overall purpose of the program
  • describes the functionality of your app
  • describes the input and outputs of your app (Approx 150)

Question 2: This project was created using a development process that required you to incorporate the ideas of your partner and feedback from your classmates. Provide a written response that describes one part of your app that was improved through input from EITHER your partner or feedback you received from classmates. Include:

  • Who specifically provided the idea or recommendation
  • What their idea or recommendation was
  • The specific change you made to your app's user interface or functionality in response to the recommendation
  • How you believe this change improved your app (Approx 150 words)

Assessment: Practice PT Decision Maker Project

Use the CSP U4 Practice PT Rubric provided with the project (or posted in Unit4 Lesson 12) to assess student work.

Standards Alignment

  • CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (2017): 2-AP-10, 2-AP-11, 3A-AP-16, 3B-AP-14

End of Lesson

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