About the Course

This AP Course is designed to expose students to the multidisciplinary concepts of computer science with a goal to attract future leaders in the field and engage students who are underrepresented in computer science. This course has been been adapted and made accessible based off of Code.org’s AP Computer Science curriculum.

Unit 1: Digital Information

This unit explores the technical challenges and questions that arise from the need to represent digital information in computers.

Unit 2: The Internet

This unit reveals how the Internet was designed to connect billions of devices and people to one another. Learn how the different protocols of the Internet work together.

Unit 3: Intro to App Design

This unit is an introduction to programming and app design with a heavy focus on skills like debugging, pair programming, and user testing.

Unit 4: Variables, Conditionals, and Functions

This unit explores how variables, conditionals, and functions allow for the design of increasingly complex apps.

Unit 5: Data

In this unit learn how data analysis helps turn raw data into useful information about the world. Learn how to use data visualization to find patterns inside of data sets

Unit 6: Lists, Loops, and Traversals

This unit introduces lists, loops, and traversals, and explores the way they can be used to build apps that store and process large amounts of information.

Unit 7: Parameters, Return, and Libraries

This unit introduces parameters, return, and libraries. Learn how to use these concepts to build new kinds of apps as well as libraries of code.

Unit 8: Cybersecurity and Global Impacts

In this unit learn how computing innovations have impacted our world in beneficial and harmful ways.

Unit 9: Create Performance Task Prep

In this unit prepare for, and do the AP Create Performance Task. Each lesson contains links to helpful documents and activities to help you understand the task.

Unit 10: Algorithms

This unit is a quick exploration of how computer scientists design algorithms to solve problems and how they analyze the speed of different algorithms.