Libraries.Game.Graphics.PixelMap Documentation
The PixelMap class represents an image as a collection of individual pixels. It is used by the Texture class to draw shapes and load images from files. This is a class used internally by the game engine, and most users will not need to interface with this class directly.
Inherits from: Libraries.Language.Object, Libraries.Game.Disposable
Actions Documentation
Compare(Libraries.Language.Object object)
This action compares two object hash codes and returns an integer. The result is larger if this hash code is larger than the object passed as a parameter, smaller, or equal. In this case, -1 means smaller, 0 means equal, and 1 means larger. This action was changed in Quorum 7 to return an integer, instead of a CompareResult object, because the previous implementation was causing efficiency issues.
- Libraries.Language.Object: The object to compare to.
integer: The Compare result, Smaller, Equal, or Larger.
Object o
Object t
integer result = o:Compare(t) //1 (larger), 0 (equal), or -1 (smaller)
CreatePixelMap(integer newWidth, integer newHeight, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Format newFormat)
This action will create new PixelMap data to be used in OpenGL with the given width, height, and Format.
- integer newWidth
- integer newHeight
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.Format
Define2DImage(integer target, integer mipLevel, integer border)
This action will create OpenGL information for the currently loaded PixelMap information.
- integer target
- integer mipLevel
- integer border
This action will free up the memory used to store the pixel information of the image. This should only be used when the PixelMap is no longer needed.
DrawCircle(integer x, integer y, integer radius, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
This action will draw a hollow circle at the given point with the given radius using the given color.
- integer x
- integer y
- integer radius
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color
DrawCircle(integer x, integer y, integer radius, integer color)
This action will draw a hollow circle at the given point with the given radius using the given color code.
- integer x
- integer y
- integer radius
- integer color
DrawLine(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
This action will draw a line on the PixelMap between the two points given using the given color.
- integer x1
- integer y1
- integer x2
- integer y2
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color
DrawLine(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2, integer color)
This action will draw a line on the PixelMap between the two points given using the given color code.
- integer x1
- integer y1
- integer x2
- integer y2
- integer color
DrawPixelMap(Libraries.Game.Graphics.PixelMap pixmap, integer sourceX, integer sourceY, integer destX, integer destY, integer sourceWidth, integer sourceHeight)
This action will draw a different PixelMap starting from the destX and destY with sourceWidth and sourceHeight on top of this PixelMap at the coordinates of sourceX, sourceY.
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.PixelMap
- integer sourceX
- integer sourceY
- integer destX
- integer destY
- integer sourceWidth
- integer sourceHeight
DrawPixelMap(Libraries.Game.Graphics.PixelMap pixmap, integer x, integer y)
This action takes a different PixelMap and draws it on top of this PixelMap at the given x,y coordinates on this PixelMap.
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.PixelMap
- integer x
- integer y
DrawRectangle(integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
This action will draw a hollow rectangle at the given point with the given width and height using the given color.
- integer x
- integer y
- integer width
- integer height
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color
DrawRectangle(integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height, integer color)
This action will draw a hollow rectangle at the given point with the given width and height using the given color code.
- integer x
- integer y
- integer width
- integer height
- integer color
Equals(Libraries.Language.Object object)
This action determines if two objects are equal based on their hash code values.
- Libraries.Language.Object: The to be compared.
boolean: True if the hash codes are equal and false if they are not equal.
use Libraries.Language.Object
use Libraries.Language.Types.Text
Object o
Text t
boolean result = o:Equals(t)
Fill(integer color)
This action will fill the complete bitmap with the given color code.
- integer color
Fill(Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
This action will fill the complete bitmap with the given color.
FillCircle(integer x, integer y, integer radius, integer color)
This action will draw a solid circle at the given point with the given radius using the given color code.
- integer x
- integer y
- integer radius
- integer color
FillCircle(integer x, integer y, integer radius, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
This action will draw a solid circle at the given point with the given radius using the given color.
- integer x
- integer y
- integer radius
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color
FillRectangle(integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
This action will draw a solid rectangle at the given point with the given width and height using the given color.
- integer x
- integer y
- integer width
- integer height
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color
FillRectangle(integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height, integer color)
This action will draw a solid rectangle at the given point with the given width and height using the given color code.
- integer x
- integer y
- integer width
- integer height
- integer color
FillTriangle(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2, integer x3, integer y3, integer color)
This action will draw a solid triangle using the three given points and the given color.
- integer x1
- integer y1
- integer x2
- integer y2
- integer x3
- integer y3
- integer color
FillTriangle(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2, integer x3, integer y3, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
This action will draw a solid triangle using the three given points and the given color.
- integer x1
- integer y1
- integer x2
- integer y2
- integer x3
- integer y3
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color
This action will return the Blending being used on this PixelMap.
This action returns an integer value representing the internal GL format.
This action gets the hash code for an object.
integer: The integer hash code of the object.
Object o
integer hash = o:GetHashCode()
Returns the height of this PixelMap.
GetPixel(integer x, integer y)
This action will return an integer color code representing the color of the pixel at the given coordinates.
- integer x
- integer y
Returns the width of this PixelMap.
LoadAsynchronously(Libraries.System.File file, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Format format, boolean useMipMaps, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Drawable drawable, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Texture texture)
This action will asynchronously load the PixelMap (that is, it will be loaded separately from the rest of the program's execution) and then it will be loaded into the provided Texture, which will be used to load the provided Drawable (if it is not undefined). This is only needed for use on the web, and when loading Drawables or Textures directly via files or file paths, it is called automatically. Most users will never need to use this action directly.
- Libraries.System.File: The image file to load the pixels from.
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.Format: The pixel format to be used for retrieving and storing the pixels.
- boolean useMipMaps: Whether or not the generated Texture using this PixelMap should generate mip maps.
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.Drawable: The Drawable to be loaded using this PixelMap/Texture, if not undefined.
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.Texture: The Texture to be loaded using this PixelMap.
LoadMatrix(Libraries.Compute.Matrix matrix)
This action will load a matrix into the PixelMap to create a monochrome (black and white) image. Each value is assumed to be between 0 and 1, where 0 represents a black pixel and 1 represents a white pixel.
- Libraries.Compute.Matrix: The matrix representing the pixels to load.
use Libraries.Game.Game
use Libraries.Game.Graphics.PixelMap
use Libraries.Game.Graphics.Drawable
use Libraries.Game.Graphics.Texture
use Libraries.Compute.Matrix
class Main is Game
PixelMap pixelMap
Texture texture
Drawable drawable
action Main
action CreateGame
Matrix matrix
// 7x7 square that is black at edges and lightens as it goes towards the center.
matrix:Fill(7, 7, 0)
matrix:Set(1, 1, 0.33)
matrix:Set(2, 1, 0.33)
matrix:Set(3, 1, 0.33)
matrix:Set(4, 1, 0.33)
matrix:Set(5, 1, 0.33)
matrix:Set(5, 2, 0.33)
matrix:Set(5, 3, 0.33)
matrix:Set(5, 4, 0.33)
matrix:Set(5, 5, 0.33)
matrix:Set(4, 5, 0.33)
matrix:Set(3, 5, 0.33)
matrix:Set(2, 5, 0.33)
matrix:Set(1, 5, 0.33)
matrix:Set(1, 4, 0.33)
matrix:Set(1, 3, 0.33)
matrix:Set(1, 2, 0.33)
matrix:Set(2, 2, 0.66)
matrix:Set(3, 2, 0.66)
matrix:Set(4, 2, 0.66)
matrix:Set(4, 3, 0.66)
matrix:Set(4, 4, 0.66)
matrix:Set(3, 4, 0.66)
matrix:Set(2, 4, 0.66)
matrix:Set(2, 3, 0.66)
matrix:Set(3, 3, 1)
// Loading the PixelMap and blowing up the size of the Drawable to make it easier to see.
drawable:SetPosition(200, 200)
drawable:SetSize(100, 100)
LoadPixelMap(Libraries.System.File file)
Screenshot(integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height)
This action takes a screenshot of the Game window at the given coordinates and stores it in this PixelMap. Taking screenshots is very timing sensitive and can be unreliable on some platforms (especially the web) if done at the wrong time. It's recommended to use the Game's "Screenshot" action and a ScreenshotListener to reliably take screenshots, instead of using this action.
- integer x
- integer y
- integer width
- integer height
This action takes a screenshot of the Game window and loads it into this PixelMap. Taking screenshots is very timing sensitive and can be unreliable on some platforms (especially the web) if done at the wrong time. It's recommended to use the Game's "Screenshot" action and a ScreenshotListener to reliably take screenshots, instead of using this action.
SetBlending(Libraries.Game.Graphics.Blending newBlend)
This action will set the Blending to be used for this PixelMap.
SetColor(Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color newColor)
Sets the color being used by this PixelMap using a Color object.
SetColor(number redValue, number greenValue, number blueValue, number alphaValue)
Sets the color being used by this PixelMap using color component values between 0 and 1 for the red, green, blue, and alpha components.
- number redValue
- number greenValue
- number blueValue
- number alphaValue
SetColorFromCode(integer code)
Sets the color being used by this PixelMap using an integer color code.
- integer code
SetFilter(Libraries.Game.Graphics.Filter filter)
Sets the type of interpolation Filter to be used for this PixelMap.
SetPixel(integer x, integer y)
This action will set the pixel at the given coordinates with the PixelMap's current color.
- integer x
- integer y
SetPixel(integer x, integer y, integer code)
This action will set the pixel at the given coordinates with the given color code.
- integer x
- integer y
- integer code
SetPixel(integer x, integer y, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color setColor)
This action will set the pixel at the given coordinates with the given color.
- integer x
- integer y
- Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color
SetScale(integer scale)
This action will set the scaling filter to the given type.
- integer scale
On this page
Variables TableAction Documentation- Compare(Libraries.Language.Object object)
- CreatePixelMap(integer newWidth, integer newHeight, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Format newFormat)
- Define2DImage(integer target, integer mipLevel, integer border)
- Dispose()
- DrawCircle(integer x, integer y, integer radius, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
- DrawCircle(integer x, integer y, integer radius, integer color)
- DrawLine(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
- DrawLine(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2, integer color)
- DrawPixelMap(Libraries.Game.Graphics.PixelMap pixmap, integer sourceX, integer sourceY, integer destX, integer destY, integer sourceWidth, integer sourceHeight)
- DrawPixelMap(Libraries.Game.Graphics.PixelMap pixmap, integer x, integer y)
- DrawRectangle(integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
- DrawRectangle(integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height, integer color)
- Equals(Libraries.Language.Object object)
- Fill(integer color)
- Fill(Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
- FillCircle(integer x, integer y, integer radius, integer color)
- FillCircle(integer x, integer y, integer radius, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
- FillRectangle(integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
- FillRectangle(integer x, integer y, integer width, integer height, integer color)
- FillTriangle(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2, integer x3, integer y3, integer color)
- FillTriangle(integer x1, integer y1, integer x2, integer y2, integer x3, integer y3, Libraries.Game.Graphics.Color color)
- GetBlending()
- GetColor()