Libraries.Sound.Music Documentation

This class generates music from the Music Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) standard. This class can be used to play invidual notes and individual chords, as well as used to compose multi-track songs. This class abstracts away much of the MIDI interface, greatly simplifying song composition. For song composition, see the Playable and Track classes, as well as the AddTrack() and PlaySong() methods of this class. Throughout this class and its related classes, individual pitches are represented by integers. "Middle C" is note 60. A recommend resource for understanding these numbers is the following page: This class also defines some constants that can be used throughout music-related classes. These constants include: breve, wholeNote, halfNote, quarterNote, eighthNote , sixteenthNote, thirtySecondthNote, sixtyFourthNote These constants can all be used to specify note start times and length. In addition, mathematical manipulation of these constants is permitted. For example, if we wanted a double whole note, we could type m:wholeNote*2, as well as m:breve.

Example Code

use Libraries.Sound.Music

Music music
//play me a chromatic scale
integer note = 60
repeat 12 times
music:Play(note, 0.25)
note = note + 1

Inherits from: Libraries.Language.Object

Variables Table

integer halfNoteA note with half the duration of a whole note.
integer thirtySecondthNoteA note with a thirty-second the duration of a whole note.
integer eighthNoteA note with an eighth the duration of a whole note.
integer sixtyFourthNoteA note with a sixty-fourth the duration of a whole note.
integer quarterNoteA note with a quarter the duration of a whole note.
integer breveA note with two times the duration of a whole note.
integer sixteenthNoteA note with a sixteenth the duration of a whole note.
integer wholeNoteA whole note.

Actions Documentation


Add a new track to this composition. A new track is created (with the appropriate parameters) and returned. Notes can be added to this track to be played. See the PlaySong() action.


Libraries.Sound.Track: a new track


use Libraries.Sound.Music
use Libraries.Sound.Track
Music muse

// Add three tracks to our composition.
Track t1 = muse:AddTrack()
Track t2 = muse:AddTrack()
Track t3 = muse:AddTrack()


Closes all of the resources being used by the Music instance. This method *must* be called, or the program will not exit properly.


use Libraries.Sound.Music
Music muse

Compare(Libraries.Language.Object object)

This action compares two object hash codes and returns an integer. The result is larger if this hash code is larger than the object passed as a parameter, smaller, or equal. In this case, -1 means smaller, 0 means equal, and 1 means larger. This action was changed in Quorum 7 to return an integer, instead of a CompareResult object, because the previous implementation was causing efficiency issues.



integer: The Compare result, Smaller, Equal, or Larger.


Object o
Object t
integer result = o:Compare(t) //1 (larger), 0 (equal), or -1 (smaller)

Equals(Libraries.Language.Object object)

This action determines if two objects are equal based on their hash code values.



boolean: True if the hash codes are equal and false if they are not equal.


use Libraries.Language.Object
use Libraries.Language.Types.Text
Object o
Text t
boolean result = o:Equals(t)


This action gets the hash code for an object.


integer: The integer hash code of the object.


Object o
integer hash = o:GetHashCode()

GetInstrument(integer index)

Returns the requested instrument. This instrument can be used to set the instrument of individual tracks, or of this Music object. The General MIDI specification defines a number of instruments which can be expected on most systems. For a complete list, see:


  • integer index: the requested instrument number (zero based).


Libraries.Sound.Instrument: the requested instrument


use Libraries.Sound.Music
use Libraries.Sound.Instrument
Music muse
Instrument i = muse:GetInstrument(0) // get the default piano specified by the General MIDI standard.
output i:GetName()


Returns an iterator containing all available instruments on the system.


Libraries.Containers.Iterator: the available instruments.


use Libraries.Sound.Music
use Libraries.Sound.Instrument
use Libraries.Containers.Iterator
Music muse
Iterator<Instrument> instruments = muse:GetInstruments()
output "Here are all the available instruments:"
repeat while instruments:HasNext()
    Instrument i = instruments:Next()
    output i:GetName()


Gets the current tempo of the song being created in beats per minute. The default tempo is 120 bpm.




use Libraries.Sound.Music
Music muse
output "The tempo is " + muse:GetTempo() + " beats per minute."


Returns the number of midi "clock ticks" per whole note. The MIDI specification uses clock ticks to keep all MIDI devices synchronized, and MIDI uses Pulses Per Quarter Note (PPQ) to clearly indicate to MIDI devices how long each note should last, based on the tempo and number of clock ticks it spans. In this implementation, Ticks Per Whole Note is used to simplify calculations. To get PPQ (if desired), simply divide the result by four. The default PPQ used by this class is 96, meaning the number of ticks per whole note is likely to be 384.


integer: the number of clock ticks per whole note.

GetTrack(integer index)

Gets the track at the specified index.


  • integer index: the index of the requested track (zero based).


Libraries.Sound.Track: the requested track


use Libraries.Sound.Music
use Libraries.Sound.Track
Music muse
Track myTrack = muse:AddTrack()
Track aCopyOfMyTrack = muse:GetTrack(0)


Get all the tracks from this song.


Libraries.Containers.Iterator: an iterator containing all tracks (if any).


use Libraries.Sound.Music
use Libraries.Sound.Track
use Libraries.Containers.Iterator
Music muse
Iterator<Track> tracks = muse:GetTracks()

Play(Libraries.System.File file)

Play the given MIDI file. See the "Stop" method to stop playback.



use Libraries.Sound.Music
use Libraries.System.File
Music muse
File file

Play(integer note, number duration)

Plays a note for the specified duration at maximum volume.


  • integer note: the note number (0 to 127)
  • number duration: how long to play the note (in seconds)


use Libraries.Sound.Music
Music muse
muse:Play(60, 1) // middle C, for 1 second, full volume