Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor Documentation
The motor is an external device that is connected to the hub through a port. It is a rotational device that can be attached to other objects to provide force.
Example Code
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Port
Motor wheel
Port port
Inherits from: Libraries.Language.Object
Variables Table
Variables | Description |
integer SMART_COAST | |
integer COAST | Constants for different braking modes |
integer CLOCKWISE | Constants for rotation directions |
integer HOLD | |
integer SMART_BRAKE | Constants for rotation directions |
integer CONTINUE | |
integer SHORTEST_PATH | |
integer LONGEST_PATH | Returns the port number of the motor |
integer BRAKE |
Actions Documentation
Compare(Libraries.Language.Object object)
This action compares two object hash codes and returns an integer. The result is larger if this hash code is larger than the object passed as a parameter, smaller, or equal. In this case, -1 means smaller, 0 means equal, and 1 means larger. This action was changed in Quorum 7 to return an integer, instead of a CompareResult object, because the previous implementation was causing efficiency issues.
- Libraries.Language.Object: The object to compare to.
integer: The Compare result, Smaller, Equal, or Larger.
Object o
Object t
integer result = o:Compare(t) //1 (larger), 0 (equal), or -1 (smaller)
Equals(Libraries.Language.Object object)
This action determines if two objects are equal based on their hash code values.
- Libraries.Language.Object: The to be compared.
boolean: True if the hash codes are equal and false if they are not equal.
use Libraries.Language.Object
use Libraries.Language.Types.Text
Object o
Text t
boolean result = o:Equals(t)
Returns the absolute position of a motor
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
integer currentAbsoluteWheelPosition = wheel:GetAbsolutePosition()
Returns the current duty cycle (pwm) of the motor
integer: PWM, the pwm of the motor
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
integer currentPWM = wheel:GetDutyCyle()
This action gets the hash code for an object.
integer: The integer hash code of the object.
Object o
integer hash = o:GetHashCode()
Returns the port number of the motor
integer: Port number
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
integer wheelPort = wheel:GetPort()
Returns the relative position of a motor
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
integer currentRelativeWheelPosition = wheel:GetRelativePosition()
Returns the velocity in degrees/second of the motor
integer: Velocity, the velocity in degrees/second of the motor
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
integer currentVelocity = wheel:GetVelocity()
Run(integer velocity, integer acceleration)
Sets the velocity of the motor in degrees/sec by applying the provided acceleration. Ranges for velocity vary per motor size as follows: Small motor: -660 to 660 Medium motor: -1110 to 1110 Large motor: -1050 to 1050 Acceleration ranges from 0 to 10000
- integer velocity: The velocity to set the motor to in degrees/second
- integer acceleration: The acceleration of the motor in degrees/sec^2
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
wheel:Run(90, 5000)
Run(integer velocity)
Sets the velocity of the motor in degrees/sec. Ranges for velocity vary per motor size as follows: Small motor: -660 to 660 Medium motor: -1110 to 1110 Large motor: -1050 to 1050
- integer velocity: The velocity to set the motor to in degrees/second
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
RunForDegrees(integer degrees, integer velocity, integer brakingMode, integer acceleration, integer deceleration)
Runs the motor for a certain number of degrees at the provided velocity with additional parameters. Ranges for velocity vary per motor size as follows: Small motor: -660 to 660 Medium motor: -1110 to 1110 Large motor: -1050 to 1050 Acceleration and deceleration range from 0 to 10000 Available braking modes, as Motor constants, are: COAST, BRAKE, HOLD, CONTINUE, SMART_COAST, or SMART_BRAKE
- integer degrees: The amount of degrees to run for
- integer velocity: The velocity in degrees/second
- integer brakingMode: The braking mode to use when stopping the motor
- integer acceleration: The acceleration of the motor in degrees/sec^2
- integer deceleration: The deceleration of the motor in degrees/sec^2
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
wheel:RunForDegrees(720, 90, wheel:BRAKE, 5000, 5000)
RunForDegrees(integer degrees, integer velocity)
Runs the motor for a certain number of degrees at the provided velocity. Ranges for velocity vary per motor size as follows: Small motor: -660 to 660 Medium motor: -1110 to 1110 Large motor: -1050 to 1050
- integer degrees: The amount of degrees to run for
- integer velocity: The velocity in degrees/second
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
wheel:RunForDegrees(720, 90)
RunForTime(integer time, integer velocity)
Runs the motor for a set amount of time at the provided velocity. Ranges for velocity vary per motor size as follows: Small motor: -660 to 660 Medium motor: -1110 to 1110 Large motor: -1050 to 1050
- integer time: The amount of time to run for in milliseconds
- integer velocity: The velocity in degrees/second
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
wheel:RunForTime(2000, 360)
RunForTime(integer time, integer velocity, integer brakingMode, integer acceleration, integer deceleration)
Runs the motor for a set amount of time at the provided velocity with additional parameters. Ranges for velocity vary per motor size as follows: Small motor: -660 to 660 Medium motor: -1110 to 1110 Large motor: -1050 to 1050 Acceleration and deceleration range from 0 to 10000 Available braking modes, as Motor constants, are: COAST, BRAKE, HOLD, CONTINUE, SMART_COAST, or SMART_BRAKE
- integer time: The amount of time to run for in milliseconds
- integer velocity: The velocity in degrees/second
- integer brakingMode: The braking mode to use when stopping the motor
- integer acceleration: The acceleration of the motor in degrees/sec^2
- integer deceleration: The deceleration of the motor in degrees/sec^2
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
wheel:RunForTime(2000, 360, wheel:BRAKE, 5000, 5000)
RunToAbsolutePosition(integer position, integer velocity, integer direction, integer brakingMode, integer acceleration, integer deceleration)
Turns the motor to a provided absolute position at the provided velocity with additional parameters. Ranges for velocity vary per motor size as follows: Small motor: -660 to 660 Medium motor: -1110 to 1110 Large motor: -1050 to 1050 Acceleration and deceleration range from 0 to 10000 Available braking modes, as Motor constants, are: COAST, BRAKE, HOLD, CONTINUE, SMART_COAST, or SMART_BRAKE Available directions, as Motor constants, are: CLOCKWISE, COUNTERCLOCKWISE, SHORTEST_PATH, LONGEST_PATH
- integer position: The absolute position to run to
- integer velocity: The velocity in degrees/second
- integer direction: The direction to turn the motor
- integer brakingMode: The braking mode to use when stopping the motor
- integer acceleration: The acceleration of the motor in degrees/sec^2
- integer deceleration: The deceleration of the motor in degrees/sec^2
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
wheel:RunToAbsolutePosition(120, 360, wheel:SHORTEST_PATH, wheel:BRAKE, 5000, 5000)
RunToAbsolutePosition(integer position, integer velocity)
Turns the motor to a provided absolute position at the provided velocity. Ranges for velocity vary per motor size as follows: Small motor: -660 to 660 Medium motor: -1110 to 1110 Large motor: -1050 to 1050
- integer position: The absolute position to run to
- integer velocity: The velocity in degrees/second
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
wheel:RunToAbsolutePosition(1200, 360)
RunToRelativePosition(integer position, integer velocity, integer brakingMode, integer acceleration, integer deceleration)
Turns the motor to a position relative to current position. Ranges for velocity vary per motor size as follows: Small motor: -660 to 660 Medium motor: -1110 to 1110 Large motor: -1050 to 1050 Acceleration and deceleration range from 0 to 10000 Available braking modes, as Motor constants, are: COAST, BRAKE, HOLD, CONTINUE, SMART_COAST, or SMART_BRAKE
- integer position: The relative position to run to
- integer velocity: The velocity in degrees/second
- integer brakingMode: The braking mode to use when stopping the motor
- integer acceleration: The acceleration of the motor in degrees/sec^2
- integer deceleration: The deceleration of the motor in degrees/sec^2
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
wheel:RunToRelativePosition(360, 360, wheel:BRAKE, 5000, 5000)
RunToRelativePosition(integer position, integer velocity)
Turns the motor to a position relative to current position. Ranges for velocity vary per motor size as follows: Small motor: -660 to 660 Medium motor: -1110 to 1110 Large motor: -1050 to 1050
- integer position: The relative position to run to
- integer velocity: The velocity in degrees/second
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
wheel:RunToRelativePosition(360, 360)
SetDutyCycle(integer pulseWidthModulation)
Starts a motor using a specific pulse width modulation
- integer pulseWidthModulation: The pwm from -10000 - 10000
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
SetPort(integer port)
Sets the port number of the motor object
- integer port: The port (A through F, or 0 through 5) the motor is attached to
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Port
Motor wheel
Port port
SetRelativePosition(integer position)
Changes the position used as an offset for RunToRelativePosition()
- integer position: The relative position to use
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
Motor wheel
Stops the motor from running
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Hub
Motor wheel
Hub hb
Stop(integer brakingMode)
Stops the motor from running with the provided braking mode Available braking modes are: COAST, BRAKE, HOLD, CONTINUE, SMART_COAST, or SMART_BRAKE
- integer brakingMode: The braking mode to use when stopping the motor
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Motor
use Libraries.Robots.Spike.Hub
Motor wheel
Hub hb
On this page
Variables TableAction Documentation- Compare(Libraries.Language.Object object)
- Equals(Libraries.Language.Object object)
- GetAbsolutePosition()
- GetDutyCycle()
- GetHashCode()
- GetPort()
- GetRelativePosition()
- GetVelocity()
- Run(integer velocity, integer acceleration)
- Run(integer velocity)
- RunForDegrees(integer degrees, integer velocity, integer brakingMode, integer acceleration, integer deceleration)
- RunForDegrees(integer degrees, integer velocity)
- RunForTime(integer time, integer velocity)
- RunForTime(integer time, integer velocity, integer brakingMode, integer acceleration, integer deceleration)
- RunToAbsolutePosition(integer position, integer velocity, integer direction, integer brakingMode, integer acceleration, integer deceleration)
- RunToAbsolutePosition(integer position, integer velocity)
- RunToRelativePosition(integer position, integer velocity, integer brakingMode, integer acceleration, integer deceleration)
- RunToRelativePosition(integer position, integer velocity)
- SetDutyCycle(integer pulseWidthModulation)
- SetPort(integer port)
- SetRelativePosition(integer position)
- Stop()
- Stop(integer brakingMode)