Libraries.Interface.Events.KeyboardEvent Documentation
The KeyboardEvent class represents an event on the keyboard, which is caused by the user pushing down or releasing a key. This class also contains constants for the possible keys that may have been pressed or released.
Inherits from: Libraries.Language.Object
Variables Table
Variables | Description |
integer DOWN | |
integer F4 | |
integer PAUSE | |
integer F6 | |
integer COLON | |
integer RIGHT | |
integer F5 | |
integer ESCAPE | |
integer NUMPAD_4 | |
integer E | |
integer ANY_KEY | How many key presses have occurred in a short period of time, including this event (if it is a PRESSED_KEY event). |
integer I | |
integer PERIOD | |
integer ALT_LEFT | |
integer F12 | This action will return the text value represented by a particular key. The boolean represents whether the text should use the shift-keyed value, e.g., the "A" key on the keyboard can represent the text "a" if shiftPressed is false, or "A" if shiftPressed is true. |
integer COMMA | |
integer GRAVE | |
integer NUMPAD_DECIMAL | |
integer pressCount | How many key presses have occurred in a short period of time, including this event (if it is a PRESSED_KEY event). |
integer NUM_1 | |
integer T | |
integer POWER | |
integer LEFT_BRACKET | |
integer K | |
integer NUMPAD_0 | |
integer NUMPAD_1 | |
integer SEMICOLON | |
integer META_RIGHT | |
integer NUMPAD_6 | |
integer F3 | |
integer C | |
integer RIGHT_BRACKET | |
integer NUMPAD_5 | |
integer PRINT_SCREEN | |
integer F11 | |
integer BACKSLASH | |
integer NUM_8 | |
integer L | |
integer NUMPAD_MINUS | |
integer CAPS_LOCK | |
integer eventType | This is either PRESSED_KEY or RELEASED_KEY. |
integer NUM_3 | |
integer FORWARD_DELETE | |
integer META_LEFT | |
integer F1 | |
integer TAB | |
integer NUM_5 | |
integer F7 | |
integer HOME | |
integer NUM_9 | |
integer SHIFT_RIGHT | |
integer ALT_RIGHT | |
integer CLEAR | |
integer W | |
integer F | |
integer A | |
integer UP | |
integer NUMPAD_PLUS | |
integer SPACE | |
integer NUM_7 | |
integer Y | |
integer N | |
integer NUMPAD_SLASH | |
integer EQUALS | |
integer keyCode | The keyCode corresponds to one of the constant values in this class. The default value of 0 is equal to the "UNKNOWN" constant. |
integer NUM_0 | This is either PRESSED_KEY or RELEASED_KEY. |
integer MINUS | |
integer P | |
integer NUMPAD_2 | |
integer PAGE_UP | |
integer NUMPAD_ENTER | |
integer SCROLL_LOCK | |
integer B | |
integer S | |
integer ENTER | |
integer X | |
integer NUM_6 | |
integer NUM_LOCK | |
integer RELEASED_KEY | The keyCode corresponds to one of the constant values in this class. The default value of 0 is equal to the "UNKNOWN" constant. |
integer BACKSPACE | |
integer Q | |
integer J | |
integer NUMPAD_8 | |
integer APOSTROPHE | |
integer PRESSED_KEY | |
integer M | |
integer Z | |
integer NUMPAD_7 | |
integer H | |
integer UNKNOWN | |
integer O | |
integer F2 | |
integer NUM_2 | |
integer LEFT | |
integer NUMPAD_9 | |
integer F8 | |
integer CONTROL_LEFT | |
integer D | |
integer CONTROL_RIGHT | |
integer SHIFT_LEFT | |
integer R | |
integer NUMPAD_STAR | |
integer NUMPAD_EQUALS | |
integer SLASH | |
integer NUM_4 | |
integer F10 | |
integer INSERT | |
integer PAGE_DOWN | |
integer NUMPAD_3 | |
integer V | |
integer F9 | |
integer U | |
integer G | |
integer END |
Actions Documentation
Compare(Libraries.Language.Object object)
This action compares two object hash codes and returns an integer. The result is larger if this hash code is larger than the object passed as a parameter, smaller, or equal. In this case, -1 means smaller, 0 means equal, and 1 means larger. This action was changed in Quorum 7 to return an integer, instead of a CompareResult object, because the previous implementation was causing efficiency issues.
- Libraries.Language.Object: The object to compare to.
integer: The Compare result, Smaller, Equal, or Larger.
Object o
Object t
integer result = o:Compare(t) //1 (larger), 0 (equal), or -1 (smaller)
Equals(Libraries.Language.Object object)
This action determines if two objects are equal based on their hash code values.
- Libraries.Language.Object: The to be compared.
boolean: True if the hash codes are equal and false if they are not equal.
use Libraries.Language.Object
use Libraries.Language.Types.Text
Object o
Text t
boolean result = o:Equals(t)
This action gets the hash code for an object.
integer: The integer hash code of the object.
Object o
integer hash = o:GetHashCode()
This action returns how many times the key described by this event has been recently pressed. The time considered to be "recent" is defined by the ApplicationConfiguration (if keyboard input is relevant to the application type). The value returned includes the key being pressed as part of this event, if the event is a PRESSED_KEY event - e.g., if a key is pressed exactly once, the value returned is 1. If a key is pressed twice in rapid succession, the value returned will be 2.
integer: How many times the key has been recently pressed.
ToText(integer keycode, boolean shiftPressed)
This action will return the text value represented by a particular key. The boolean represents whether the text should use the shift-keyed value, e.g., the "A" key on the keyboard can represent the text "a" if shiftPressed is false, or "A" if shiftPressed is true.
- integer keycode: The key code to translate to text.
- boolean shiftPressed: Whether to return the value of the key when shift is pressed, or to return its normal value.
use Libraries.Game.Game
use Libraries.Interface.Events.KeyboardEvent
use Libraries.Interface.Events.KeyboardListener
use Libraries.Game.InputMonitor
class Main is Game, KeyboardListener
InputMonitor monitor
action Main
action CreateGame
action PressedKey(KeyboardEvent event)
boolean shift = monitor:IsKeyPressed(event:SHIFT_LEFT) or monitor:IsKeyPressed(event:SHIFT_RIGHT)
text key = event:ToText(event:keyCode, shift)
output "The pressed key was " + key + "."
ToText(integer keycode)
This action will return the text value represented by a particular key. The returned text value assumes that the shift key is not being held down.
- integer keycode: The key code to translate to text.
use Libraries.Game.Game
use Libraries.Interface.Events.KeyboardEvent
use Libraries.Interface.Events.KeyboardListener
class Main is Game, KeyboardListener
action Main
action CreateGame
action PressedKey(KeyboardEvent event)
text key = event:ToText(event:keyCode)
output "The pressed key was " + key + "."
ToTextShift(integer keycode)
This action will return the text value represented by a particular key. The returned text value assumes that the shift key is being held down.
- integer keycode: The key code to translate to text.
use Libraries.Game.Game
use Libraries.Interface.Events.KeyboardEvent
use Libraries.Interface.Events.KeyboardListener
class Main is Game, KeyboardListener
action Main
action CreateGame
action PressedKey(KeyboardEvent event)
text key = event:ToTextShift(event:keyCode)
output "The pressed key was " + key + "."