Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.DistanceJoint2D Documentation
This action records a joint that sets a fixed distance between two objects. The two objects are allowed to oscillate relative to each other.
Inherits from: Libraries.Language.Object, Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint2D
Actions Documentation
Compare(Libraries.Language.Object object)
This action compares two object hash codes and returns an integer. The result is larger if this hash code is larger than the object passed as a parameter, smaller, or equal. In this case, -1 means smaller, 0 means equal, and 1 means larger. This action was changed in Quorum 7 to return an integer, instead of a CompareResult object, because the previous implementation was causing efficiency issues.
- Libraries.Language.Object: The object to compare to.
integer: The Compare result, Smaller, Equal, or Larger.
Object o
Object t
integer result = o:Compare(t) //1 (larger), 0 (equal), or -1 (smaller)
Equals(Libraries.Language.Object object)
This action determines if two objects are equal based on their hash code values.
- Libraries.Language.Object: The to be compared.
boolean: True if the hash codes are equal and false if they are not equal.
use Libraries.Language.Object
use Libraries.Language.Types.Text
Object o
Text t
boolean result = o:Equals(t)
This action returns the point that the first item will rotate about, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please. Parameter: Returns the point that the first item will rotate about, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please.
This action returns the point that the second item will rotate about, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please. Parameter: Returns the point that the second item will rotate about, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please.
This action returns whether the connected joints can collide or not.
boolean: whether the connected joints can collide or not.
This action returns a number that tells you how fast the two objects that are joined with the DistanceJoint2D will stop oscillating.
number: the damping ratio.
This action returns the fixed distance between the two objects.
number: the fixed distance between the two objects in meters.
This action returns the first JointEdge2D stored inside this Joint2D.
Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointEdge2D: the first JointEdge2D stored inside this Joint2D.
This action returns the second JointEdge2D stored inside this Joint2D.
Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointEdge2D: the second JointEdge2D stored inside this Joint2D.
This action returns how much the two objects will oscillate relative to each other.
number: the frequency at which the two objects will oscillate relative to each other.
This action gets the hash code for an object.
integer: The integer hash code of the object.
Object o
integer hash = o:GetHashCode()
This action returns the first 2D item that is joined by this Joint2D.
Libraries.Interface.Item2D: the first 2D item that is joined by this Joint2D.
This action returns the second 2D item that is joined by this Joint2D.
Libraries.Interface.Item2D: the second 2D item that is joined by this Joint2D.
This action returns the fixed distance between the two objects.
number: the fixed distance between the two objects in meters.
This action returns the point that the first item will rotate about relative to the first item, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please. Parameter: Returns the point that the first item will rotate about relative to the first item, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please.
This action returns the point that the second item will rotate about relative to the second item, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please. Parameter: Returns the point that the second item will rotate about relative to the second item, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please.
This action gets you the next information about a joint (stored in another Joint2D) inside a linked list of Joint2Ds.
Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint2D: the next joint.
This action gets you the previous information about a joint (stored in another Joint2D) inside a linked list of Joint2Ds.
Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint2D: the previous joint.
GetReactionForce(number inverseTimeStep)
This action returns the amount of force that is exerted on the two items joined together because of the joint constraints.
- number inverseTimeStep: The reciprocal of the inverse of the time step.
Libraries.Compute.Vector2: the reaction force.
GetReactionTorque(number inverseTimeStep)
This action returns 0 for DistanceJoint2D because a distance joint will not rotate the objects.
- number inverseTimeStep: The reciprocal of the inverse of the time step.
number: the reaction torque.
This action returns whether this joint is INACTIVE, AT_LOWER, AT_UPPER, or EQUAL.
integer: the state of the joint.
This action returns the type of joint that you have.
integer: the type of joint that you have.
This action returns whether the items in this joint is in a collision group with other items.
boolean: true if the items in this joint is in a collision group with other items.
Initialize(Libraries.Interface.Item2D itemA, Libraries.Interface.Item2D itemB, Libraries.Compute.Vector2 anchorA, Libraries.Compute.Vector2 anchorB)
This action stores the variables passed in inside this DistanceJoint2D.
- Libraries.Interface.Item2D: The first item joined inside this joint.
- Libraries.Interface.Item2D: The second item joined inside this joint.
- Libraries.Compute.Vector2: The point that the first item will rotate about, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please.
- Libraries.Compute.Vector2: The point that the second item will rotate about, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please.
InitializeVelocityConstraints(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointSolverData2D data)
This action sends in velocity constraints to a JointSolverData2D so that a joint solver can solve for the limitations that this joint has exerted on the two objects.
- Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointSolverData2D: The JointSolverData2D that we are going to store the velocity constraints to.
SetAnchorA(Libraries.Compute.Vector2 anchor)
This action sets the point that the first item will rotate about, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please.
- Libraries.Compute.Vector2: The point that the first item will rotate about, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please.
SetAnchorB(Libraries.Compute.Vector2 anchor)
This action sets the point that the second item will rotate about, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please.
- Libraries.Compute.Vector2: The point that the second item will rotate about, but the whole system of objects A and B can move as they please.
SetCollideConnected(boolean collide)
This action sets whether the connected joints can collide or not.
- boolean collide: Whether the connected joints can collide or not.
SetDampingRatio(number ratio)
This action sets a number that tells you how fast the two objects that are joined with the DistanceJoint2D will stop oscillating.
- number ratio: The damping ratio, range: [0 (oscillate forever), 1 (no oscillation at all)].
SetDistance(number distance)
This action sets the fixed distance between the two objects.
- number distance: The fixed distance between the two objects in meters.
SetEdgeA(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointEdge2D edgeA)
This action sets the first JointEdge2D stored inside this Joint2D.
- Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointEdge2D: The first JointEdge2D stored inside this Joint2D.s
SetEdgeB(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointEdge2D edgeB)
This action sets the second JointEdge2D stored inside this Joint2D.
SetFrequency(number hz)
This action sets how much the two objects will oscillate relative to each other.
- number hz: The frequency at which the two objects will oscillate relative to each other.
SetInCollisionGroup(boolean flag)
This action sets whether the items in this joint is in a collision group with other items.
- boolean flag: Whether the items in this joint is in a collision group with other items.
SetItemA(Libraries.Interface.Item2D item)
This action sets the first 2D item that is joined by this Joint2D.
- Libraries.Interface.Item2D: The first 2D item that is joined by this Joint2D.
SetItemB(Libraries.Interface.Item2D item)
This action sets the second 2D item that is joined by this Joint2D.
- Libraries.Interface.Item2D: The second 2D item that is joined by this Joint2D.
SetLength(number passedLength)
This action sets the fixed distance between the two objects.
- number passedLength: The fixed distance between the two objects in meters.
SetNext(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint2D next)
This action lets you store another information about a joint (stored in another Joint2D) as a next link to the current Joint2D.
- Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint2D: The next joint.
SetPrevious(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint2D previous)
This action lets you store another information about a joint (stored in another Joint2D) as a previous link to the current Joint2D.
- Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint2D: The previous joint.
SetState(integer newState)
This action sets whether this joint is INACTIVE, AT_LOWER, AT_UPPER, or EQUAL.
- integer newState: The state of the joint.
SetType(integer type)
This action sets the type of joint that you have.
- integer type: The type of joint that you have.
SolvePositionConstraints(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointSolverData2D data)
This action makes sure that the position constraints on the two items are met.
- Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointSolverData2D: The JointSolverData2D that we are getting the position constraints from.
boolean: if the position constraints has been met through this solver.
SolveVelocityConstraints(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointSolverData2D data)
This action makes sure that the velocity constraints on the two items joined together are met.
- Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointSolverData2D: The JointSolverData2D that we are getting the velocity constraints from.
On this page
Variables TableAction Documentation- Compare(Libraries.Language.Object object)
- Equals(Libraries.Language.Object object)
- GetAnchorA()
- GetAnchorB()
- GetCollideConnected()
- GetDampingRatio()
- GetDistance()
- GetEdgeA()
- GetEdgeB()
- GetFrequency()
- GetHashCode()
- GetItemA()
- GetItemB()
- GetLength()
- GetLocalAnchorA()
- GetLocalAnchorB()
- GetNext()
- GetPrevious()
- GetReactionForce(number inverseTimeStep)
- GetReactionTorque(number inverseTimeStep)
- GetState()
- GetType()
- InCollisionGroup()
- Initialize(Libraries.Interface.Item2D itemA, Libraries.Interface.Item2D itemB, Libraries.Compute.Vector2 anchorA, Libraries.Compute.Vector2 anchorB)
- InitializeVelocityConstraints(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointSolverData2D data)
- SetAnchorA(Libraries.Compute.Vector2 anchor)
- SetAnchorB(Libraries.Compute.Vector2 anchor)
- SetCollideConnected(boolean collide)
- SetDampingRatio(number ratio)
- SetDistance(number distance)
- SetEdgeA(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointEdge2D edgeA)
- SetEdgeB(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointEdge2D edgeB)
- SetFrequency(number hz)
- SetInCollisionGroup(boolean flag)
- SetItemA(Libraries.Interface.Item2D item)
- SetItemB(Libraries.Interface.Item2D item)
- SetLength(number passedLength)
- SetNext(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint2D next)
- SetPrevious(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint2D previous)
- SetState(integer newState)
- SetType(integer type)
- SolvePositionConstraints(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointSolverData2D data)
- SolveVelocityConstraints(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointSolverData2D data)