Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.ConeTwistJoint3D Documentation

This is a joint that describes how much freedom can one object rotate about another object. This joint is different than the ball and socket joint in that there is an angular limit to how much the rotating object can rotate.

Inherits from: Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint3D, Libraries.Language.Object

Actions Documentation


This action is called by the Collision Solver to gather information on the joint before calling the SolveJoint action. This action is used internally.

Compare(Libraries.Language.Object object)

This action compares two object hash codes and returns an integer. The result is larger if this hash code is larger than the object passed as a parameter, smaller, or equal. In this case, -1 means smaller, 0 means equal, and 1 means larger. This action was changed in Quorum 7 to return an integer, instead of a CompareResult object, because the previous implementation was causing efficiency issues.



integer: The Compare result, Smaller, Equal, or Larger.


Object o
Object t
integer result = o:Compare(t) //1 (larger), 0 (equal), or -1 (smaller)

Equals(Libraries.Language.Object object)

This action determines if two objects are equal based on their hash code values.



boolean: True if the hash codes are equal and false if they are not equal.


use Libraries.Language.Object
use Libraries.Language.Types.Text
Object o
Text t
boolean result = o:Equals(t)


This action returns the amount of impulse that should be applied to the items in the joints to allow them to continue to be joined.


number: the amount of impulse that should be applied to the items.


This action returns the first JointEdge3D stored inside this Joint3D.


Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointEdge3D: the first JointEdge3D stored inside this Joint3D.


This action returns the second JointEdge3D stored inside this Joint3D.


Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointEdge3D: the second JointEdge3D stored inside this Joint3D.


This action gets the hash code for an object.


integer: The integer hash code of the object.


Object o
integer hash = o:GetHashCode()

GetInformation(Libraries.Game.Physics.CollisionSolverInformation3D information)

This action returns the type of joint that you have.



This action returns the first 3D item that is joined by this Joint3D.


Libraries.Interface.Item3D: the first 3D item that is joined by this Joint3D.


This action returns the second 3D item that is joined by this Joint3D.


Libraries.Interface.Item3D: the second 3D item that is joined by this Joint3D.


This action gets you the next information about a joint (stored in another Joint3D) inside a linked list of Joint3Ds.


Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint3D: the next joint.


This action gets you the previous information about a joint (stored in another Joint3D) inside a linked list of Joint3Ds.


Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint3D: the previous joint.


This action returns the type of joint that you have.


integer: the type of joint that you have.


This action returns whether this joint is been accounted for in a collision group.


boolean: true when the joint has already been assigned to a collision group, false if the joint is not

Initialize(Libraries.Interface.Item3D itemA, Libraries.Interface.Item3D itemB, Libraries.Game.Collision.PhysicsPosition3D positionA, Libraries.Game.Collision.PhysicsPosition3D positionB)

This action initializes the joint.


SetAppliedImpulse(number impulse)

This action sets the amount of impulse that should be applied to the items in the joints to allow them to continue to be joined.


  • number impulse: The amount of impulse that should be applied to the items

SetEdgeA(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointEdge3D edgeA)

This action sets the first JointEdge3D stored inside this Joint3D.


SetEdgeB(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.JointEdge3D edgeB)

This action sets the second JointEdge3D stored inside this Joint3D.


SetInCollisionGroup(boolean flag)

This action sets whether this joint is been accounted for in a collision group.


  • boolean flag: True if the joint has been assigned to a collision group.

SetItemA(Libraries.Interface.Item3D item)

This action sets the first 3D item that is joined by this Joint3D.


SetItemB(Libraries.Interface.Item3D item)

This action sets the second 3D item that is joined by this Joint3D.


SetLimits(number inputSwingSpan1, number inputSwingSpan2, number inputTwistSpan, number inputSoftness, number inputBiasFactor, number inputRelaxationfactor)

This action sets the limits to the cone twist joint.


  • number inputSwingSpan1: The limit on the Z rotation axis of the joint in degrees.
  • number inputSwingSpan2: The limit on the Y rotation axis of the joint in degrees.
  • number inputTwistSpan: The limit on the X rotation axis of the joint in degrees.
  • number inputSoftness: At what fraction should the velocity limits starts to be solved. For example, if softness is 0.8, that means the physics will try to correct for the joint when the objects are at 0.8*(velocity limit range). Recommended values are from 0.8 to 1.
  • number inputBiasFactor: Because during simulation, errors in position of the objects pile up due to rounding errors, this sets how much you want to correct for that error. Default value is 0.3, and the recommended range is [-0.3 to 0.3].
  • number inputRelaxationfactor: How lenient are you with the objects going out of the limit range in fractions. (0 very lenient, 1 very hard). Default value is 1.

SetNext(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint3D next)

This action lets you store another information about a joint (stored in another Joint3D) as a next link to the current Joint3D.


SetPrevious(Libraries.Game.Physics.Joints.Joint3D previous)

This action lets you store another information about a joint (stored in another Joint3D) as a previous link to the current Joint3D.


SetType(integer type)

This action sets the type of joint that you have. BallAndSocket = 0, Hinge = 1, Customizable = 2, Slider = 3


  • integer type: The type of joint that you have.

SolveJoint(number timeStep)

This action solves the constraint of this joint and make sure that objects A and B is able to move accordint to the joint constraint applied. This action is used internally.


  • number timeStep